Maybe it’s because I’m in my 30’s. Maybe it’s because I’m just tired of giving power to things I can’t control. Either way, I’ve decided to embrace a few of the things I’ve come to learn these past few years and put them in one place. Reminders are necessary to press on towards goals, so let this be ours. Here are 10 things to stop caring about right now, so you can spend time focusing on things that actually matter.
1. Caring about what others think.
When you care too much about that others will say, you live your life for them and not yourself. It’s your life, your decisions and choices. Others love to judge. Regardless of what you do, you are bound to make someone upset. SO stop worrying about what you think will make everyone else happy and do what is best for you and your family.
2. Caring about being right all the time.
It is by accepting you are wrong that you open doors to learn what is right. There will be times when you are wrong sometimes. Admit it. Learn from it. MOVE ON. After all, no one knows everything and has all the answers in life. You’re not Sheldon.
3. Caring about having a ‘perfect’ body.
The ‘perfect body’ is a lie. Mamas, think about this for one second. You made a tiny human. Your body is going to be different than it was before. Your body will be different as it ages. Be healthy – eat right, exercise, and take care of yourself. You are enough, just as you are.
4. Caring about past mistakes & “what ifs”.
Learn to forgive yourself more often. Don’t be so hard on yourself, we all make mistakes and mess up in life. Accept that everyone gets it wrong sometimes. And don’t drive yourself crazy worrying about what might happen in the future. Face worry head on – if you can do something in the present moment, go for it.
5. Caring about failure.
This is something everyone fears – but it’s no big deal unless you allow it to be. See failure as a learning curve, a trial and error process. To quote BF Skinner:
“A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.”
6. Caring about gossip & toxic people.
Be content with your own life and have no desire to concern yourself with what is going on in someone else’s.
Tearing others down doesn’t build you up. Mark your boundaries. Toxic people love to bread negativity – so when the red flags appear – move on. Surround yourself with people that encourage one another and support each others dreams.
7. Caring about having plans on a Friday night.
Own what you want without feeling guilty. Go out if you want to. Stay home if you want to. Don’t worry about having a “glamorous” life that’s “insta worthy”. Live life, and if you want to share it, go for it.
8. Caring about others’ approval or validation.
Listen and factor in what others have to say, but don’t seek anyone’s validation as your sole reason for doing something. If you live for people’s approval, you will die from their rejection. In the age of social media, it’s easy to get caught up in wanting tons of likes on Facebook or Instagram – but that will never satisfy you if it’s your only focus. Share things! But don’t get caught up in the numbers.
9. Caring about what you don’t have.
There will always be others with more and others with less. Always. Be grateful for what you have instead of always seeking to catch up with the Jones’. Get rid of the ‘stuff’ in life to make room for what really matters. At the end of the day, does it matter if you have the next best gadget, or if you spent quality time with the people you love?
10. Caring about being ‘good enough’.
What is “good enough”? Who defines what that means? Insert any other word there and this applies as well – tall enough, skinny enough, fit enough, smart enough, and on and on and on. Whatever you think you aren’t ‘enough’ at – remember you are incredible and have so much to offer just as you are.
If we were to stop caring so much about the things that really don’t matter, how much easier would our lives be? How much more margin would there be to care about the things that really matter in life. Failure would be less terrifying. Relationships would be more fulfilling. Rejection less painful. And life more satisfying.