One of the things I loved most about our trip in London was the attention to detail throughout the experience. We had a dedicated tour guide for the trip, and I must say, Johnathan was delightful! He was no nonsense, full of facts, and let us in on local tips as well. We had two full days with him and they were jam packed and quite well spent! His info is below if you’re interested.
On Sunday (our first full day) we did a driving tour throughout the city, and toured the London Tower, Kings Cross & St. Pancras stations and made sight of the giant wands. We had intended on ending the day at Kennsington Palace, but sadly walked up to the gates right as they were closing the grounds (spoiler alert: we made it there on Monday so crisis averted). There was so much to see at the London Tour that we could have spent the entire day there! Not to mention Tower Bridge made for stunning views. We were able to see the Crown Jewels, the old armor, and even the torture chambers (which were both creepy & fascinating.)
London Tower

Following the tower tour, we ate lunch at the cutest little local spot with delightful pizza overlooking the river. The Dickens Inn did not disappoint. There was also the perfect little spot for an opportune picture by the phone booth – because I mean, did you even go to London if you didn’t get a picture with the iconic phone booth? Also, it was Remembrance Day, so there were poppy’s everywhere so naturally we had to join in the day. And the Queen’s boat was even docked at St Katharine Docks so that was fun to see!
Tower Bridge
Kings Cross & St. Pancras
One of the things I definitely wanted to see, as this was a trip rooted in the Wizarding World, was obviously Kings Cross Station. So we cruised though to Platform 9 3/4 & were delightfully cheesy tourists making videos of pushing the trolley through to catch the train. The line for the actual “exhibit” if you will was simply obnoxious, but like any good blogger, I was able to sneak in there and get a few shots in between tourists swapping house scarves for their photo opts. And that was well worth it!
Since our bags were full, it’s a good thing the Harry Potter Store at Platform 9 3/4 has an online store you can shop here. We also stopped by the giant wands set up in honor of the Fantastic Beasts Premiere, which surprising blended in to the scenery like they should always be there. The disappeared that next day so we were glad we got to see them before they were gone! Kings Cross was beautiful, but the sister station St. Pancras was simply stunning! All throughout the city, the architecture was just gorgeous, and the history so rich at every turn. I would certainly add in both stations to your itinerary!
Tour Guide
If you are in London and looking for someone to take you around, you should check out Johnathan. He was BRILLIANT.

See all the posts from London & the entire Fantastic Beasts Premiere VIP experience here and check back on Fridays for more of what we saw & did! #ATTThanks #FBpremiereVIP