Finally the real reason for the wonderful trip to London! This was by far one of the coolest experiences and I am so thankful to had had the opportunity to be a part of it! We started the day with little plans but to relax and sleep in to be prepared for the night. We had a light lunch delivered to the room to munch on while we had our hair & makeup done and spent the afternoon basically just being pampered. Vanessa & Mya were fabulous and nailed each of our looks perfectly for our dresses. I even wore falsies for the first time ever, and actually kinda loved them.

thank you self timer & apple watch for this non selfie gem 😉 & note I pinned my deathly hallows pin on my clutch for the evening – Brian also had matching cufflinks for the occasion!
Before the red carpet event kicked off, we had a few drivers pick us up to take us over to Leicester Square and drop off us at the front where all the stars came in. We were literally entering in the same spot as Jude Law, Eddie Redmayne, Johnny Depp, Callum Turner, JK Rowling and the rest of the really important people. In fact, right as we were entering Alison Sudol was taking her entrance photos! Also William Nadylam arrived as we were awaiting the rest of our crew.
I absolutely loved the set up of the blue carpet and the entrance being the symbol for the deathly hallows – it was such a sight to see! And the Christmas market in the background just made the scene more perfect with the hanging snowflakes dangling in the trees. We were ushered in like the stars and while Rachel & CJ were snapping pictures of us, so were the other cameras which was so much fun! It was like wedding day x 10 with people calling in our direction to smile at them and lots of the fans were taking photos too (especially younger ones who thought we must be extras or something in the film which was so funny). We made our way down the carpet, eyeing stars along the way and taking several photos, until we made it to the end where the interviews were taking place & we were to go in the theaters.
Rachel & I snuck back out, with Heather & Wynn behind, then Mallory & Brian but somehow only Heather made it out with us for another go down the carpet. Rachel guided us through and we ended up on the other side of the carpet feet away from Eddie and Callum and trying to convince their guards to let us get a picture (with little success I might add as they kept shuffling them to fans with notebooks and pictures to sign instead). I will say, our version of the red carpet was way less stressful than theirs I imagine with all of the being yelled at at things being shoved in your face. It truly must be exhausting!
Following round two of walking the blue carpet we found our theater (which was actually comprised of several small theaters across many floors) to watch the final interviews and then watch the movie itself! The seats were quite large and comfy and outfitted with a bottle of water and packet of crisps for each seat plus champagne that was purchased by friends. Truly the only way to watch at a theater. The movie was filled with action, lots of magic, and a few surprises! I will definitely be watching it again! Following the movie, we had a late tapas style dinner & drinks to cap the evening and an adorable little place that was quite tasty! Sadly, I don’t remember the name of it but it was in walking distance.
As cheesy as it sounds, the night truly was magical in every way and I’m still in awe of the entire evening and trip overall. And so thankful for the AMA & ATT team for making it such an incredible experience to remember! You can watch live footage of the premiere here (starts at 6:30) which includes of the individual interviews with the cast.
See all the posts from London & the entire Fantastic Beasts Premiere VIP experience here and check back on Fridays for more of what we saw & did! #ATTThanks #FBpremiereVIP