Our last night in London, we had dinner at a fabulous Indian restaurant, Tamarind Kitchen, and saw Les Miserables at The Queens Theatre. This was such a fantastic surprise when we got the itinerary for the trip! I am deeply a fan of musicals, and this is such an iconic musical (and the West-End’s longest running musical – since 1985) was pretty special. Ironically enough, I saw Les Mis for the first time in Birmingham a few years ago with Heather after she won some tickets for the local production. Seems we have a knack for this 😉 The space was intimate, our seats were incredible, and the production was wonderful!
Following the show we ventured to a fun speak easy (top photo below) in China town and ended the night at one of the coolest bars I’ve been too in Soho. Disrepute (D.R.P.) is a members only bar and had a very cool sixties vibe where the cocktail waitresses wove stories in with every drink of the history of London during that time. Our private room made for such a cozy and intimate gathering to end the trip. We retold the highs and lows of the trip (which let’s be real – the lows had nothing to do with the trip itself) and basically just keep toasting the night (and early morning) away to new and old friends, incredible adventures, and wonderful memories.
All of the sweet goodies from the trip just added a fun extra touch to the trip and were such a treat to come back to in the hotel! Aside from everything below, there were also pullovers, stuffed nifflers (which Emma totally stole once we returned), Fantastic Beasts pins, and another bobble head (I somehow missed taking a picture of the final box).
As I close this series on our trip to London, see all the posts from London & the entire Fantastic Beasts Premiere VIP experience here. #ATTThanks #FBpremiereVIP