As we approach the tiny diva’s third birthday, I’m sitting over here reminiscing about every moment since we found out we were expecting. It has been such a crazy, amazing, beautiful experience becoming a mother, but it has also come with so many unknowns. And while that certainly includes every precious moment these past three years, I can’t help think of those initial nine months while I was pregnant too. And all the little things I had no clue about. So, I’m sharing them with you today!
I had so many moments of calling my mom (or girlfriends that were already in the thick of motherhood) to ask, “Is this normal?!?!” And as it turns out. IT WAS. All of it. Every weird and crazy thing that worried or bothered me. It’s just that no one told me before getting pregnant what I could/should really expect. And let’s get real. I want to hear these things from real life people who I know and not read it in some “expert” book on what to be ready for. It was all about how “amazing” it was and how being a mom is the best thing ever. And it totally is. That part they nailed. As for the rest of it, maybe you’ll find this useful if you’re expecting or plan to, because the type A planner in me would have loved a little heads up!
- People won’t always be happy for you. In fact, some of them might be mad at you, bitter with you, or jealous of you. Don’t let this deter you from being joyful.
- Being pregnant is a lot like being elderly. You get priority seating on public transportation, other people put your shoes on for you, people talk louder to you and call you sweetie, and you can’t control your bladder.
- Want to know what it’s like in third trimester? Tie a basketball to your abs & try to bend over. Maybe make your husband do this just for fun too.
- Speaking of bending over, you’ll need other people for things like putting on socks, and you’ll stop wearing any shoe that has laces, zippers, and/or has a heel.
- Shaving after a certain point is not even a slight possibility. This is why maternity leggings were invented. And husbands.
- If you have to blow your nose, pee first or you’ll realize how great of a multitasker you really are. And hate to break it to ya, this continues on in motherhood.
- Random strangers in Target will try to predict how far along you are. Or tell you the gender based on how you’re standing in the aisle. Just play along while you grab the essentials. Smile & nod. Then walk far away from them and keep sipping on that decaf Starbs.
- People will say rude things to you. Like, “wow, your hips really are spreading” or “oh, I’m glad you’re pregnant, I thought you were just letting yourself go”. Roll your eyes, refrain from punching them in the face, and grab some chocolate while you go cry in the bathroom.
- People you care very little about will try to feel your bump without even the slightest hesitation or attempt to seek permission. This will include lifting up ponchos or opening cardigans to “get a better look” at the baby.
- Everyone and their mom thinks they have the next best piece of advice for you to parent your child. Or feed them. Or dress them. Or how to properly induce birth.
- On the same note, people will judge every decision you make. From your clothing, to your diet, and the amount of weight you do or don’t gain by a certain point.
- Who knew people had so many opinions on how you give birth, how you feed your baby, and the status of your job following becoming a mom? You will soon hear every one of them.
- Brushing your teeth will start leaving you with bloody gums. Ditto to bloody noses.
- Hormonal migraines are a thousand times worse than you imagine.
- You forget what it’s like to not have back pain. Or leg cramps.
- Forget sleeping – comfort while lying down is a thing of the past.
- And the heartburn. Yikes.
- You don’t actually glow. It’s sweat. From literally making a tiny human. Because, hello, it takes a lot of energy. That and the “morning sickness”.
- Morning sickness if not real. How lovely it would be to have the nausea and vomiting contained to one predictable part of the day? No no, it’s an all day thing. A marathon event. There’s a reason why pregnant ladies are always munching on nuts or crackers.
- Pregnancy brain is real. But when you have the baby, you still have the pregnancy brain – people just start calling it mom brain.
- Nesting is so real. And it’s not just over the baby’s room. It’s a whole house thing. And work. And every room you enter even if you don’t own anything in that space. Warn your friends. This they may love your for though in the rage of Marie Kondo so put those skills to use.
- Contrary to popular belief, having a natural birth doesn’t make you any more of a mother than a c-section makes you less of one – but people will try to project their feelings on you either way.
- You very rarely will pop back down to your pre-pregnancy weight by the time you leave the hospital. This is the exception, not the rule. Go ahead and prepare yourself for that and give your self some grace.
And last but not least, no matter how many mothers and grandmothers tell you how incredibly emotional and joyful and miraculous it is to finally hear that first little cry and see that tiny little bundle of squirmy screaming cuteness, you will never be prepared for the amount of love that will overwhelm you in that moment and every one thereafter. That split second makes everything worth it. And I wouldn’t change a thing about these past three years. And I’d do it all again. Crazy how that works out, huh?