Well, it happened. I’m officially a dance mom. And I love it! Emma started dance through her daycare this year and she has been obsessed since day one. They have class once a week and then the big recital at the end of the year. They danced to the song ‘Animal Crackers in My Soup’, and Emma nailed it.
And Emma has loved all the twirling and tutus! This summer, they even had a set of princess classes! For her recital day, they had rehearsal that morning to run through the show, then the recital was that night. And y’all, the recital is really for the mama’s to get their tears out before the real thing. My mom came with me to the rehearsal and it was a flood of emotions! I was one proud mama to say the least.
I danced when I was Emma’s age and did so up until middle school and adored it. It truly builds grace and flexibility. It made me a better athlete, and significantly impacted my agility on the field and court. While I really believe Emma is going to move more towards the cheerleading and dance teams, this will even more so impact her future endeavors! Not to mention, it is so stinkin’ adorable to watch.