Monday Morning:
“Brown Bear, Brown Bear” Book

“Brown Bear, Brown Bear” Matching Color Worksheet (in free printable library)
- Glue, scissors
Monday Afternoon:
Color Changing Flower Experiment (Will see results later in the week, so do Monday)
- Set up in the kitchen
- Flowers, jars, food coloring
- I will bring the flowers
- Let them drop in the food coloring, and pick the colors

Tuesday Morning:
“A Bad Case of the Stripes” Book

Rainbow Craft
- Paper, glue, google eyes
- Strips of paper

Tuesday Afternoon:
Shine light through a prism and see the colors it creates
- Talk about “ROY-G-BIV”
- Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet

Wednesday Morning:
“Monsters Love Colors” Book

“Color the Crayons” Worksheet
- Crayons, markers, etc.

Wednesday Afternoon:
Color Bingo
- 4 in a row is “Bingo”
- all the playing boards are different
- have a therapist randomize what colors they call out
- each color has a conversation question

Thursday Morning:
“The Rainbow Fish” Book

Rainbow Fish Activity
- glue on tissue paper as scales

Thursday Afternoon:
Rainbow Jar Experiment
- Baking soda, vinegar, food coloring, jars or clear cups
Bill Nye the Science Guy Color Video
- watch as much or as little as the therapists want! (23:00 long)
Friday Morning:
“One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish” Book

Color Mixing Video (4:38 long)
Paint with Water Activity
- No paint necessary, just add water!
- We can use paint brushes or Q-tips, either is okay

Friday Afternoon:
Look at the color changing flowers!
- Talk about what they look like & the process
Fruity Pebble Rice Krispy Treats
- Make them beforehand to bring in
- Bring icing & sprinkles for them to decorate their treats with

See all the summer themes in this post