I mean, how could we do theme weeks without doing Shark Week? If the Discovery Channel has a week dedicated to them, then clearly we should too.
Book: Shark Bite
Worksheet: Tracing letter S/Coloring Shark (worksheet in free printable library)
Craft: Shark craft
Older kids (shark maze & how do shark float experiment)

Book: Friends Don’t Eat Friends
Worksheet: Tooth Matching (worksheet in free printable library)

Craft: Shark eating fish

Older kids (shark pattern & present awareness shark in ice activity)
Book: Three little fish and the big bad shark
Worksheet: cut lines on sheet (worksheet in free printable library)

Craft: Aquarium

Older kids (following instruction color sheet & sensory bag)

Book: Lost Treasure of the Sunken City
Worksheet: Shark I Spy

Craft: shark sun catcher

Older kids (Shark math frenzy& ocean zones)
Book: Shark Detective
Worksheet: S do a dot (worksheet in free printable library)

Craft: Pool Noodle

Older kids: shark word find (worksheet in free printable library)

See all the summer themes in this post