At the start of the year, organization is key. And one place that needs to be completely organized is my phone. Try these 5 simple tips to keep your phone organized!
LOCK SCREEN: This is simple. Choose an inspirational quote, a special photograph, or a simple beautiful screen to be your lock screen. Keep this in mind: anyone who picks up your phone (even if you have a password on it) will see this. Be sure the time stamp and date don’t cover up anyone’s faces. (IE: Don’t create visual clutter).

HOME SCREEN: Yes, this includes your wallpaper, but also how you organize your apps – I keep mine pretty simple with just a few rows of apps on each page. I also use folders for said apps – see below. And I typically have a quote of some kind for my background, which is why I keep the rows of apps to a minimum so I can see the quote. Some great places to find wallpapers are the She Reads Truth app, Simplified by Emily Ley, or random ones I’ve found on Pinterest. I have a highlight on Instagram as well with favorites.
APPS: Any apps that I am trying not to overuse, I keep in folders, not on the homepage. I keep the most used apps on the main page, and organized by category. The best way to keep your apps to a minimum – delete any apps you don’t use.

NOTIFICATIONS: This is life changing. Are you ready? There may be certain notifications you have to keep on or need to keep on (work related, etc), but the other ZILLION red dots and buzzes and dings and alerts and push notifications… TURN. THEM. OFF. And once you do, you’ll never go back. I get text messages, phone calls, and a few other notifications on my phone. On my watch, I change my watch face to have my calendar during work, then it goes to a different face. Seriously, TRY IT. You do not need to get a pop up notification every time someone likes your Instagram photo. Nope.
NOTES: If you have an iPhone, here’s a tip: utilize your Notes app to keep running lists and important information. It’s so helpful and easy! We keep a shared grocery list, and I keep notes designated by emojis. I can also view them on my laptop too.