Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is a science. It is often referred to as an intervention for children with autism. Actually, teaching approaches based on ABA are effective for everyone.
Misconceptions of ABA
A lot of information and opinions regarding ABA are readily available to the public. One only has to search online to receive a barrage of “good” or “bad” reports. Often, when we meet families, they are already armed with the research they have done, excited or disheartened by what they think “ABA” is or will “do”. This usually pleases us, even when the information they have is incorrect. It is always great to meet families who have done research and have opinions about what or how therapy should be done. However, it is always important to “set the record straight” to make sure well informed decisions are made.
On this page, you will learn more about the myths and misconceptions surrounding ABA. Additional information will be provided to hopefully help dispel these myths. Remember, this is general information about behavior analysis, and it is always best to consult with a behavior analyst regarding ABA and your child specifically.
MYTH: ABA services are relevant only to individuals diagnosed with autism or PDD/NOS.
The seven dimensions listed on this site are the criteria for which an effective ABA practitioner bases decisions upon. ABA is a methodology which is not aligned with any specific treatment and therefore is not limited to servicing only individuals with a specific diagnosis such as Autism Spectrum Disorder/Pervasive Developmental Disability [ASD/PDD]. Applied behavior analysis has been used effectively with a multitude of disorders and disabilities as well as aiding in acquisition of academic skills, smoking cessation, and other socially relevant of humans as well as across species applications. Applied behavior analysis has successfully been applied to:
- Environment/Sustainability issues
- Organizational Behavior Management
- Speech Language Pathology
- Addictions
- Gambling
- Gerontology
- Criminal Forensics
- Health and Fitness as well as others
Yes, Applied Behavior Analysis has even been (and is) used to teach dolphins how to do cool flips, train monkeys to help people with severe motor impairments, teach dogs to find missing people, etc. It has also been used to motivate workers in fortune 500 companies, to reduce drug use in addicts and increase food intake for those with eating disorders. ABA has been used to teach a lot of things! I’m not going to beat around the bush here: Good teaching is good teaching.
MYTH: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is synonymous with discrete trial training (DTT).
Discrete Trial Training is a procedure (sometimes referred to as the Lovaas Method) which is based on the fundamental principles of applied behavior analysis (i.e. reinforcement, three-term contingency, prompting, etc.). During DTT: 1) a discriminative stimulus is presented, 2) a response occurs or is 3) prompted to occur (e.g. teacher points to the correct picture card), 4) a consequence is delivered (e.g. token or preferred item), and then 5) the instructor pauses before presenting the next instructional demand, also referred to as inter-trial interval (Anderson, Taras, & O’Malley-Cannon, 1996; Dib & Sturmey, 2007; Smith, 2001, 2007; Zager, 2005). As stated above, ABA is a methodology, guided by the seven dimensions, rather than a particular teaching procedure or intervention.
MYTH: ABA can only be applied to “behavioral” problems.
A common misconception, particularly in public school settings, are that ABA services are designed for focusing exclusively on challenging behaviors (i.e. self-injurious behaviors, aggressive behaviors, etc.). However Behavior Analysts consider behavior to be any observable and measurable act which is inclusive of academic behaviors (i.e. writing, computing math problems, learning to read, spell. etc.) as well.
ABA is a fabulous tool (not to mention, “PROVEN”) for teaching NEW skills! Do not underestimate the science behind applied behavior analysis! Although some schools or institutions may narrow the scope of what ABA is used for, it is certainly intended to be used to increase abilities!
MYTH: Only BCBAs are qualified to provide treatment to individuals receiving ABA services. Typically BCBAs serve as consultants and program managers. BCBAs often assume responsibility for supervising therapists who provide direct treatment to clients. For more information regarding BCBAs (credentials, typical responsibilities, etc.) visit http://www.bacb.com/
MYTH: All BCBAs/BCaBAs ability to provide competent treatment are equal to one another.
Each individual’s experiences and education differ from one another as does their ability to apply these skills to the populations they serve. All clinicians [BCBAs included] should be evaluated on an individual basis. Refer to the most recent copy of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board [BACB]’s Task List for a current list of items a competent BCBA and BCaBA should be able to demonstrate proficiently. Of additional interest may also be the Behavior Analyst Certification Board Guidelines for Responsible Conduct.
MYTH: Applied Behavior Analysis is only effective for young children ABA is a methodology which is often used with children; particularly children on the autism spectrum.
Early Intervention is essential. Factors such as an early diagnosis, intensity and type of treatments selected can impact improvement. There is emerging information in the medical community (neurologists) suggesting that before the age of 3, a child’s brain is more receptive to creating new neurological connections. However, this should not be viewed as the only “teachable” moments in a child’s life. Applied Behavior Analysis techniques have been effectively applied to numerous cases (stroke patients, neuro-typical children and adults, etc.) well beyond the early stages of childhood as well as outside the realm of autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
MYTH: ABA (or DTT) is done at a table-top:
Applied Behavior Analysis is not restricted to one environmental area. On the contrary, Applied Behavior Analysis is inherently concerned with individuals’ ability to generalize information; which is often accomplished by varying the location and manner in which skills are taught. While it may be common for some activities to occur at a desk or table-top it is typically due to one of two reasons…1) the skill requires a table-top for easy manipulation of objects and/or for skills which require “school attending” behavior or 2) the program is implemented by someone with superficial understanding of Applied Behavior Analytic principles.
A common extension of this myth is “ABA is just kids sitting at a table memorizing all day.” Applied Behavior Analysis has many forms. Yes, one tool in the ABA tool box is something called Discrete Trial Teaching. This is commonly done in a very structured, 1:1 setting. While Discrete Trial Teaching is necessary for most children, it is certainly not the “only” way a child in an ABA program should be taught. Luckily, behavior analysts understand the nature of establishing operations, SD’s, reinforcement, shaping, etc. This knowledge can and should be taken “on the go”. The best thing for a child is to actually “live” in a 24-hour therapeutic environment. That doesn’t mean that therapy is done at a table all day. It means that “therapy” is done all day, regardless of the environment. Teaching moments should be captured and used all day… the backyard, the pool, the grocery store, etc. Good behavior analysts will train family and caregivers to be able to provide this environment.
MYTH: Anyone can do ABA
While it is not uncommon to offer training to students or others who provide direct service (often in a discrete-trial teaching [DTT] format) there is incredible danger designing procedures without a comprehensive understanding of Applied Behavior Analytic principles. It is recommended by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board [BACB] that the (Board Certified Behavior Analyst or Equivalent) “BCBA designs and supervises behavior analytic interventions. The BCBA is able to effectively develop and implement appropriate assessment and intervention methods for use in familiar situations and for a range of cases”. The Board also states that BCBA’s supervise BCaBA’s and others who implement behavior analytic services.
In the same thread, people often think “Only therapists can/should provide therapy. Parents don’t need to be involved.” Parental involvement is crucial to the success of treatment programs for children. Not only are parents a child’s first teachers, they are usually already reinforcing to the child! Granted, most parents don’t just “know” how to do ABA. They need training in order to do it well. Most consultants will absolutely offer, if not require, parent training. All ABA programs should include a parent training component.
MYTH: ABA is harmful/uncomfortable for children
Some people are under the impression that Applied Behavior Analysis relies heavily on the use of aversives. Whereas a proper application of behavior analytic principles actually focuses on reinforcement and manipulation of the environment, not the individual. If the inclusion of aversives is warranted by the behavior, all parties must be in full agreement and as indicated by the Conduct Guidelines of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board [BACB] obtain written consent after communicating all potential risks, benefits, procedural descriptions, safeguards, timeline, anticipated outcome(s), monitoring system and schedule for oversight of implementation.
Often when people say, “I don’t like ABA” “ABA isn’t for my child”, or “We tried ABA and it didn’t work”, after listening to their story, it would be more appropriate to say, “I have a problem with the misapplication of ABA”…and in response, “so do I”.
MYTH: ABA uses punishment to teach
This is a “hot-button” topic for many reasons. The fact is, punishment isn’t used to teach new skills. This is where reinforcement comes in. Punishment is sometimes, with caution, used to decrease problem behaviors. A well trained behavior analyst does not use punishment as a “first” treatment option but will reserve using it as a treatment option. The option should only be used after functional assessment/analysis has been done. Data should be used in all phases of treatment. In every case, punishment should never be used by anyone without parent or guardian consent.
MYTH: 40 hours of ABA are needed for a positive effect
Following a comprehensive review of research, the National Research Council (NRC) recommended that children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) need active engagement in intervention for at least 25 hours a week. The NRC noted that the most important areas of focus must include:
- Functional, spontaneous communication
- Social instruction in various settings (not primarily 1:1 training)
- Teaching of play skills focusing on appropriate use of toys and play with peers
- Instruction leading to generalization and maintenance of cognitive goals in natural contexts
- Positive approaches to address problem behaviors
- Functional academic skills when appropriate
MYTH: If a child does not receive intensive ABA by five years of age, the “window of opportunity” for learning will close.
There is no evidence to support this claim. Conversely, there are published studies documenting the efficacy of ABA with adult learners and for individuals with and without autism diagnoses.
Actually, ABA has been used to increase (teach new skills) and decrease behaviors in children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities of virtually all ages. Articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals that absolutely confirm its effectiveness.
MYTH: ABA produces robotic behavior
Some parents and caregivers avoid investigating (or selecting) ABA-based treatments because they have heard that ABA is a very strict and rigid program. They may have heard reports of children forced to sit in a chair for hours; with images of crying for both parents and children. They may have also heard that the programs are run very strictly, which may indicate to them that there is not room for the child’s personality to develop. Fortunately this information is old and outdated, or even flat out inaccurate. Current behavior analytic approaches include:
- Incidental Teaching
- Interspersal Teaching
- Personalized System of Instruction (PSI)
- Verbal Behavior (VB)
- as well as others, which vary greatly from traditional application of discrete-trial-teaching (DTT)/Lovaas Approach.
Sometimes when a child is just beginning to talk, the focus is really on “getting the words out” in meaningful ways. When a child becomes more proficient in his/her language, the flow changes and begins to normalize. This, of course, requires good teaching, though. Children usually learn precisely what they are taught. If the instruction the child receives is given in a robotic way, that is what the child will learn. It’s important that caregivers, therapists, teachers, etc. model varied intonation and volume with their voice, but also teach/model that there is very often more than one way of answering a question, asking a question, greeting someone, and commenting on their environment, etc. In short, this concern may be valid if the quality of therapy is low. It is not likely if the quality of therapy is high.
MYTH: ABA only uses edible (food) for reinforcers
Behavior analysts do often consider the use of edible reinforcers for students who a) are young, b) have limited repertoire of preferred items, and/or c) have severe behavior. Edibles are considered primary reinforcers –that means no one has to teach us that food can be rewarding –we need it to survive. Even for individuals for whom food is an effective reinforcer, quality behavior analytic professionals will take strides to fade out food and introduce other types of reinforcers. This is often done by pairing the new item (e.g., preferred toy, song, etc.) or activity (e.g., high-five, hug, smile, etc.) with the original reinforcer.
Over time, the newer item should come to acquire the same reinforcing properties of the food/edible reinforcer. If you have concerns over edible reinforcers for your child, your student or yourself, it is always best to bring this to the attention of your consultant.
MYTH: ABA only works for “intellectually delayed” individuals. ABA cannot work with individuals who know what you are doing.
This misconception is very similar to #1 listed above. Applied behavior analysis works because it is a systematic way to assess, measure and teach discrete skills or behavior chains. It does not work because an individual “doesn’t know what’s going on” or because “they do”. Think about Weight Watchers™ –this program is one that incorporates many successful behavioral techniques. This is a program that promotes monitoring/measuring and teaches individuals how to adjust food intake or exercise output.
MYTH: ABA is antiquated (something from the 70’s)
ABA is alive and well! The number of behavior analysis college programs that exist and the number of individuals certified in the field are signs of the growing awareness and acceptance of behavior analysis. ABA is not just for individuals with autism, but in a significant way autism may have resurrected the broad interest and application of our science. For some, it may be easier to accept other branches of psychology as the “one true way”. But, for many, especially those who have not had success with other methods, ABA is a hopeful science. It promotes the attitude that not only can something be done to improve the situation, but something can be done NOW and the individual can be included in the solution.
How do you tell the MYTH from the TRUTH?
10 Questions to Distinguish Science from Pseudoscience (Forbes.com)
- What is the source?
- What is the agenda?
- What kind of language does it use?
- Does it involve testimonials?
- Are there claims of exclusivity?
- Is there a mention of conspiracy of any kind?
- Does the claim involve multiple unassociated disorders?
- Is there a money trail or a passionate belief involved?
- Were real scientific processes involved?
- Is there expertise?
Pseudoscientific Therapies: Some Warning Signs Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT)
- High “success” rates are claimed.
- Rapid effects are promised.
- The therapy is said to be effective for many symptoms or disorders.
- The “theory” behind the therapy contradicts objective knowledge (and sometimes, common sense).
- The therapy is said to be easy to administer, requiring little training or expertise.
- Other, proven treatments are said to be unnecessary, inferior, or harmful.
- Promoters of the therapy are working outside their area of expertise.
- Promoters benefit financially or otherwise from adoption of the therapy.
- Testimonials, anecdotes, or personal accounts are offered in support of claims about the therapy’s effectiveness, but little or no objective evidence is provided.
- Catchy, emotionally appealing slogans are used in marketing the therapy.
- Belief and faith are said to be necessary for the therapy to “work.”
- Skepticism and critical evaluation are said to make the therapy’s effects evaporate.
- Promoters resist objective evaluation and scrutiny of the therapy by others.
- Negative findings from scientific studies are ignored or dismissed.