If you’re like me, on Monday you got thrown into this idea of homeschool, likely on top of your 9-5 job, with little to no preparation. While I am very fortunate to have a background in behavior analysis and teaching tiny humans all sorts of things – it’s still such an overwhelming place to start when you’re looking at all that’s out there! I wanted to compile a post of educational resources to utilize during this time of the Coronavirius and beyond. Bookmark this page and check back often for updates and additions!
Learn how to draw with Art Hub for Kids videos
ABCmouse.com has so many lessons along with assessments & games.
Khan Academy Kids does as well!
Check out BrainPop Jr.
Visit Pete the Cat in his adventures
Check out the summer series of lesson plans complete with activities, book recommendations and more!
Scholastic is offering daily lessons
Great list of (mostly) screen free activities for kids
Fun games and activities using household items
Lots of resources here including Free internet service link
Cooped Up with Corona Resources (from a BCBA)
“Go noodle” (fun “indoor recess”), and various other activities
Print off sight words for younger learners
15 Broadway Plays and Musicals You Can Watch On Stage From Home
Tour these Museums online for free:
- British Museum in London
- New York’s Metropolitan Opera has free shows at 7:30pm ET from 3/16-3/22
- National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.
- Explore 4,600+ museums here
- Explore Art Collections here
and check out this post for an even more extensive list of Museums, Aquariums, Zoos offering virtual tours
Here’s a full list of education companies offering free subscriptions during this time.
What are your favorite resources to tap into for your kids??