One of the most beautiful things about being home 24/7 has been spending so much more time with Emma, playing outside, reading, and just absorbing her magical innocence. I have especially loved watching her faith and understanding of Christ blossom as she wonders aloud about our Creator.
We decided to join in on the mosaic chalk cross artwork we had seen floating around social media, and I think this is going to be an annual tradition.

The beauty of the cross comes in part from the mess that caused it & the mess that was overcome because of it. These tiny squares of social media (mainly Instagram) are a highlight reel – and just like if we only focus on the cross (the symbol) we miss the journey- the sweat, the blood, the tears, that lead to that victorious moment.
This morning we turned up our favorite worship music, taped, colored, & read stories of Jesus’ last days, leading to His death & ultimate resurrection. I had it all pictured how perfect of an image this would be to teach Emma about the meaning of Easter & why the cross is so important.
Halfway through taping, I put my hand down to get up & a piece of glass pierced my finger causing A LOT of blood to start dripping out, quite ironically, right on top of the cross. What a perfect reminder! This lesson was going to be even more epic.
Right when I was going to tell Emma how beautiful this was going to be, she goes, “mommy, there’s blood on the cross. But that’s ok, when Jesus died his blood washed us clean so we should color the cross white, right? And then, Jesus can come back tomorrow because it’s Easter! And he died but he’s alive again, which is so cool. I love Jesus.” Man, is it humbling to be a parent. No wonder God call us to be like the little children. Her awe & wonder of Our Creator amazes me daily.

How to make your own mosaic chalk cross artwork:
- We used painter’s tape to “draw” out a giant square, then a cross in the middle.
- Then we each pulled varying sizes of tape to tape throughout the square (not over the cross) to make the mosaic “tiles” for the background.
- I colored the cross white, and then we both colored the remaining shapes in an assortment of bright colors.
- Once we finished coloring, we pulled up the tape, and voila!