Playing dress up is not always just about princesses. Dressing up as community helpers is always a fun adventure! And a police office can be for both girls and boys!
Any time we see a police officer, we always say hi, and have had lots of officers ask to show kids their badges and such, so taking a trip to the police station can be a fun field trip for littles! And Paw Patrol is always a great resource to talk about Community Helpers with kids.
- Blue construction paper
- Black construction paper
- Yellow construction paper
- Scissors
- Stapler
- Glue
- Cut out a 5 point hat top from the blue construction paper
- Cut out a semi circle from blue construction paper for the bill of the hat
- Cut out a curved line from the black construction paper (this will match the wrap around the back)

- Cut out two long strips of black construction paper ( to wrap around the back of the hat)
- Glue the top part of the hat to the bill
- Glue the black strip overlapping both of the above parts where the meet.
- Cut of two badges from the yellow construction paper

- Write “Police Dept.” on each badge with black marker or crayon
- Glue one badge to the top of the hat
- Glue the second badge to a clothespin to use on a shirt
- Staple one strip of the black paper to each side of the back of the hat lining up with the black “ribbon” on the front.
- Place hat on child’s head and wrap black strips around the back of their head until snug. Staple the two strips together at their meeting point and cut excess.