The world would be a much better place if we could all learn to do these two beautiful, difficult, & yet simple things: Love God. Love People.
I will never fully understand the prejudice experienced by minorities in this nation solely because of the pigment of their skin. I will never have the right words to say. But I do know this:
Racism is not ok.
Violence is not ok.
We are called to LOVE one another & to live in a spirit free from fear.
When fear consumes us- fear of the unknown, fear of what is different, fear of failure it can be paralyzing & evoke such a furry of passion all at the same time. But once we stop, once we learn the stories of the people behind those differences, how much greater can we focus on what is constant- that we are ALL children of God, created in His image. That Christ died for ALL of us, because we will NEVER be able to save ourselves. When we stop viewing people as an “us” & a “them” & move to seeing each person as a child of God, a brother or sister in the adopted family of His kingdom, my how different the world would look.

What would it look like if we ALL chose to love a little more? To give a little more? To do a little more?
What if we decided to speak TRUTH? To speak encouragement? To build community & relationships with people regardless of skin color, religious beliefs, diagnoses, or political views?
It’s easy to place ourselves in bubble online & in real life – to close ourselves up with people who look just like us, worship just like us, & vote just like us.
While I believe there is NOTHING wrong with surrounding ourselves in our most intimate circles with those whose lives resemble ours – we must never do so at the detriment or exclusion of extending love to others on our periphery. To standing up for the marginalized, the widow, the orphan. And to being the hand of feet of Christ to the world.
beautiful artwork by @ohhappydani
Exactly four years ago, I went back to the office full-time after my maternity leave. Today feels quite similar to that day. First day back in the office for me, & Emma‘s first day back at daycare after nearly 3 months of constant togetherness. Only today, I am filled with more than just sadness of not having my tiny sidekick with me all day long. I’m saddened by the state of our country. From the pandemic, the injustice, & the cruelty in our world. I am constantly reminded that we could all do better. We could all love more. We could all make room for what matters most more. And more than anything, we could all find joy in what brings us together, rather than the differences that divide us.