I was gifted a copy of this book, however, as always all opinions are my own.
I have always had an affinity for the arts if only from afar. I have long enjoyed admiring the beauty of others’ creations whether in a museum, online, or the pieces people choose to display in their homes. While I have an eye for decorating, I have never felt like I have a creative bone in my body when it comes to artwork. Inspirational quotes, and especially scripture, are often pieces I lean towards because there is something so powerful about truthful words. Something incredibly life giving about the tangible reminders of love, comfort, hope, and joy. Writing has log been therapeutic for me, and I often find myself haphazardly doodling throughout sermon notes, in books, lectures, and all the rest. I adore hand lettered items, but have never though I could create such beauty myself.
During the pandemic, I decided, what the heck, it was time to give it a try. If there were step by step how to guides, it couldn’t be that difficult, right? Well, wrong, BUT like anything, with a little practice I started to get the basic hang of it. So when I heard about Leah’s book, Hand Lettering Through the Psalms: A Creative Devotional & Inspirational Journal, I was quite intrigued. What a perfect way to start the new year immersed in a new skill through a beloved practice of diving into the Word?

Learn creative lettering and modern calligraphy through reading, meditating, and memorizing Psalms!
Immerse yourself in the Psalms while learning how to hand letter the alphabet in various styles, and then apply your knowledge to create scripture artwork that can grace the walls of your home. Each of the twenty-five devotions in this beautiful book include a portion of the Psalms, a meaningful reflection, a letter of the alphabet to practice, and a Bible verse to trace. Each devotion is purposefully brief to allow busy women an opportunity to reflect on the scriptures while enjoying a creative outlet. Each devotion has a focus sure to inspire, uplift, convict, and draw us nearer to God’s heart. Topics cover God’s promises in times of suffering, praising God in difficult times, combatting envy and sinful jealousy, and the importance of forgiveness. Dive deep into God’s Word while engaging the creativity He has given each of us! Cursive and penmanship may be losing their spots in our public education systems, but there is a resurgence of interest in creating beautiful hand lettered artwork in our journals and for displaying in our homes. It’s likely easier than you think! Enjoy the learning process while meditating on God’s holy Word.

It has a short devotional along with practice pages to focus on the letters themselves, and then there are full page options with scripture that can be displayed as well. The full page options are light gray to be able to trace (which I love) because you really can’t go wrong, but you can also make it your own.
And I can tell you this, if I can make it look pretty, then you can too. There is something so therapeutic about bringing beauty to quotes that also bring life.
Buy it now on Amazon , Walmart.com, or Target.com