I was gifted a copy of this book by the author, however as usual, all opinions are my own.
As a mother of a toddler, I am constantly wondering if I am doing this whole parenting thing correctly. On top of that, professionally I work with children on a daily basis as well. And while I know behavior analysis backwards and forwards, I always want to ensure that we are not only showing love and compassion to the tiny humans in our care (wether biological or not), but that we are also teaching them how to do likewise. While not specifically a faith based book, Teaching Kids to Be Kind: A Guide to Raising Compassionate and Caring Children, reiterates much of what drives our faith in raising the tiny humans in our care.
I love how Rachel mentions that kindness begins with us, the caregivers. It’s easy to be kind when children are obedient, sweet, and lovely. But what about when something gets broken, or a mistake was made, or discipline needs to be carried out? This is still very much an opportunity to show kindness. And honestly, where it may matter most. When you need to be honest with your kids, focus on the positive. Ask yourself, is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? And model this for them. Her tips are very practical, and with 365 a day, this simple read is one that is easily digestible for caregivers with all educational backgrounds. I especially loved the element of service-centered activities she’s included. There is no better way to teach kindness than through serving those around you!

As a parent, you want the best for your child, and one of your greatest hopes is that your child will grow up to be a good person. So, what makes a good person? Generally, we think about good people as being kind: those who are compassionate, empathetic, generous. However, it seems that, in our fast-paced, individual-driven society, kindness is fading and the pressure on parents to raise socially conscious, empathetic, and caring children can seem overwhelming at times.
In Teaching Kids to Be Kind, Rachel Tomlinson draws from her professional experiences to provide 365 inspiring strategies to help children and families practice kindness every day of the year. Daily tips include: Taking your child shopping around the holidays to select a new toy to donate to another little boy or girl their age. Leaving little notes in their lunch box or school bag for them to find. This models unconditional love and consideration for others. Baking a cake together to teach patience and teamwork and build on their ability to delay gratification.
An essential tool for parents, Teaching Kids to Be Kind will help children develop empathy, regulate their emotions, and improve their general well-being as well as support families in strengthening their overall relationships.
Rachel Tomlinson is a registered psychologist who has worked with adults, families, and children in a variety of settings. She has presented at national conferences on mental-health topics, and she has guest lectured about domestic violence and relationships at colleges and universities. A subject-matter expert for journalists on topics such as parenting, child development, and relationships, she currently resides in Perth, Australia.
Get your copy on Amazon and follow Rachel on Instagram.