I don’t know about you, but I am not here for adding on unnecessary tasks to my to do list along with feelings of guilt or shame for not living up to societal expectations. I’m talking, of course, about the tradition of Elf on the Shelf where parents (*cough* moms *cough*) buy a tiny elf (branded of course) and bring it home, name it, and then proceed to have it engage in mischievous behaviors throughout the night for your children’s enjoyment and as a method for curbing behavioral concerns lest the elf report back to Santa. To me, this sounds terrible. So if like me, and you want to be free of this “tradition” I’m sharing our family letter to free your elf.
All joking aside, we spend the Christmas season focusing on other traditions, and of course maintain the magic of the season. But this is just not one of those activities. And speaking of magic, our love of Harry Potter has fueled our freedom of the Elf on the Shelf. Here’s the letter we left, feel free to use it for yourself 😉
You’re welcome.