I always rotate between audiobooks and podcasts in the car, and lately I’ve been more on a podcast kick. so I wanted to round up all of my favorites from the wildly different categories I listen to. As my drive is short, I will often listen in my office doing paperwork before anyone else arrives. A coworker recently put the diversity of my interests in perspective when she told a new hire – “when she’s not talking about ABA, Lauren’s either listening to something about Jesus or a psychological thriller and murder.” #accurate. So I figured what better way to kick off this mini series than with my favorite topic – the best of the best Behavior Analysis podcasts – before I dive into the other extreme categories! I use Pocket Casts and have loved the show notes and overall platform the best.
Operant Innovations Podcast (by ABA Technologies)
This one is really a collection of lots of podcasts in one almost, so you get a lot of variety in the field which makes it one I always come back to. My current favorite is The Lift with Dr. Linda LeBlanc & Dr. Tyra Sellers, which is a must for anyone in a supervisor/mentor relationship. Most shows are between 30 minutes to 1 hour each.
Inside the BACB (by the Behavior Analytic Certification Board)
This one is a must to keep up with changes happening at the BACB especially as it pertains to the task list and the ethics codes. Dr. Jim Carr does a wonderful job facilitating conversation around changes as well as pulling in other staff from the board as subject matter experts to dive into these areas. Most shows are around or under 30 minutes each.
The Skinner Report (by BHCOE with Sara Litvak & Anna Bullard)
This is a newer podcast, but one that I have really enjoyed! My company is BHCOE accredited, and I always want to make sure I’m up to date with everything, but I would certainly recommend this podcast to all in the field. Most shows are between 30 minutes to 1 hour each.
A podcast about applied behavior analysis and the research that fuels the field plus a source of continuing education credit for BCBAs, BCBA-Ds, and BCaBAs. When you go to the website, it breaks down the episodes into categories, which is super helpful as well! Most shows are around 30 minutes to 1 hour each.
The Behavioral Observations Podcast (with Matt Cicoria)
In this podcast, Matt interviews interesting people in the behavior analysis field as well as diving into thought provoking topics within the field. He does a great job to remain current to the issues at hand, connect to the ethics and the literature, as well as providing lots of references in the show notes. Most shows are around 1 hour to 1/2 hours each.
The Autism Helper Podcast (with Sasha Long)
The Autism Helper team is dedicated to empowering those who support individuals with Autism by providing resources, tools, and the methods to measure success. They share easy to understand strategies through the blog, podcast, and training videos as well as in-depth training in our CE Courses, live events, and Professional Development Membership. I love the resources they have to offer, and the podcast is no exception. Most shows are around or under 30 minutes each.
Oh Behave! (with the Bearded Behaviorist)
The Oh Behave! Podcast is about exploring radical behaviorism and the field of applied behavior analysis for a humanist/trauma-informed lense. Episodes range from covering the 5th edition BACB task list for behavior analysts to discussions on ethics, social issues, and exploring radical behaviorism is multiple settings and situations. Most shows range from 1 – 2 hours each.
DoBetter Podcast (with Dr. Megan Miller)
The Do Better Collective is a community of like-minded, forward-thinking behavior analysts and professionals, all dedicated and passionate about improving, progressing and, of course, DOING BETTER in the field of ABA Therapy. Most shows are around or under 15 minutes for Wheel Decide Wednesday, and around 1 1/2 hours for full episodes.
BehaviorBabe (with Dr. Amanda Kelly)
Pretty much everyone in the field has heard of Dr. Amanda Kelly – and that is saying something! Her podcast is much like her personality; fun, creative, and thought provoking. She always has great guests on as well! Most shows are around or under 30 minutes each.
BAP Cast “Behavior Analysis in Practice-The Podcast”
This is a podcast that is hosted by Dr. Cody Morris that accompanies the journal Behavior Analysis in Practice (BAP). This is a good resource to accompany keeping up with the literature. Most shows are around 1 hour to 1 1/5 hours each.