My 2023 Book List is here! These are always my favorite posts. And while all of this is captured in my Goodreads account – I so enjoy compiling these posts and refreshing on what exactly I read for the year.

Emma wanted to start reading the HP books, so that became out nightly read together. We have been going through the gorgeous artwork in these editions. Otherwise, with the exception of an Amelia Bedelia book, the rest where all mine. Not sure how these are ordered (from the Goodreads app) but I’m going with it. I’ll spare the details on the HP books and give a blanket statement that they are just as magical reading through them again – maybe even more so to watch Emma’s imagination light up!

Harry Potter & The Sorcerer’s Stone
Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets
Cultivate: A Grace Filled Guide to Growing an Intentional Life – I didn’t enjoy this as much as I wanted to. Maybe all the plant references as I can’t grow anything to save my life. Encouraging nonetheless.
Breaking Free From Body Shame – this one hit way harder than expected. I almost didn’t realize how much I needed to hear so much of this book. I would highly recommend to every mom, and any woman who has struggled with her body image at any point in life.

The Paris Apartment – Very twisty. Enjoyed this one.
Dream Big – Bob Goff is just a gem and his stories are alway so encouraging.
Sure as the Sunrise – loved these devotions and the pages within for journaling. Excited to read Near in Night this coming year as well! (Plus both books are just gorgeous!)
Tiny Habits – Ok. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that I am a BCBA, but I didn’t love this one. The premise yes. But the way he created language to layer over an entire field to brand it his own I just couldn’t get past it. (Atomic Habits is a much better read in this vein.)
Things That Matter Great reminder on minimalism and refocusing on the things in life that really matter the most.
Scripture, Ethics, & The Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships – Read this one primarily when our church when through the disaffiliation process. The pastor at the church we got married at (and are still members at but sadly isn’t close for us to attend regularly) passed this along after a lengthly conversation about the state of the Methodist Church and the future of it with the disaffiliation process in place. In case you’re not aware, this article sums things fairly well (however there is obviously a lot more to it than a news outlet can convey.)

Amelia Bedelia Unleashed – I always loved Amelia Bedelia growing up and love reading these to Emma as well. She reminds me of several clients I’ve had over the years which makes for a fun spin to view it a bit differently these days.
Dying to Tell – Gripping read. Will be reaching for more by Keri after this one.
Extraordinary Hospitality For Ordinary People – Short and sweet and full of lots of practical examples.
Radical Candor – This is going to be one of those books that I keep coming back to. It does such a wonderful job breaking down different styles of feedback and how to become skilled at it.
Just Work – As a woman in the professional world I have been fortunate to miss some of these more dramatic endeavors in her stories given the field I am in, but hav certainly been subject to discrimination and the like myself. She does a great job mixing stories and practical tips for both employees and supervisors more specifically on how to create work environments that are just.
Alexander Hamilton – I had every intention on doing the entire series, however this one didn’t hold me captive enough. It was interesting, just not too interesting.

The Vanishing Hour – Not a bad thriller. Some of her other work is better in my opinion.
Undistracted – Perhaps my favorite of Bob Goff’s books; and that is saying something.
Results: The Science-Based Approach to Better Productivity, Profitability, and Safety – John Austin really nails this book with mixing behavioral jargon and stories to be accessible to all audiences. Very much recommend for all leaders!
The 4 Habits of Joy-Filled Marriages – Quick listen on audio book with some great practical tips and reminders to maintain joy in marraige.
Harry Potter & The Order of The Phoenix
Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire
Next up:
The Bible Recap – I’ve gone through through before via podcast (during the pandemic when time abounded) however as my schedule is slowing a bit in the coming year, I opted to get the small version I could pop in my purse if need be and really focus on setting my day to start in scripture with consistency.
The remaining books on deck are primarily business related – focusing on psychological safety, profit growth, and general leadership and feedback. We’ll obviously also be finishing the remaining two Harry Potter books as well.
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t
Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
Bringing Out The Best In People
What’s on your upcoming reading list?