Do you wanna build a snowman? This adorable Olaf inspired craft using k cups is a simple one, but was a BIG hit recently! Perfect for an activity during a gathering, and a built in party favor as well. This little tradition has been a neighborhood favorite each year to decorate cookies, enjoy the hot chocolate bar, and watch Christmas movies – all in festive pjs! This was a great addition to the night.

What you need:
- K-cups (emptied & washed)
- hot glue gun + hot glue sticks
- foam paper (black, white, and orange)
- google eyes
- pom poms (white)
- sticks (head outside for these!)
- black buttons

- Clean out kcups & wash
- Hot glue two kcups together on the wide rims
- Cut out mouth from black foam
- Cut out eyebrows from black foam
- Cut out tooth from white foam
- Cut out carrot nose from orange foam
- On bottom cup, glue the buttons
- On bottom cup, glue two pom poms for the feet
- On top cup, glue the mouth
- Glue the tooth on top of the mouth
- Glue nose on above mouth
- Glue google eyes on above nose
- Glue eyebrows on above google eyes
- Glue one stick on each side where the cups meet for the arms
- Glue two to three sticks on the top of the top cup