My 2024 Book List is here! These are always my favorite posts. And while all of this is captured in my Goodreads account – I so enjoy compiling these posts and refreshing on what exactly I read for the year. Also, I tried out a new app this year as well, Fable, and I just kept coming back to Goodreads so here we are. In 2025 I hope to get back to more frequent book reviews throughout the year as well so be ont he lookout for those too!
Emma wanted to reread through the HP books again (no complaints here) so we’ve been moving through those along with some other books. As she’s reading more on her own these days, I told her I’d read the books she picked alongside her that she chooses as well. I will certainly be doing this when she is assigned books in school, so I figured I would go ahead and start now, though I seem to only have added one of the chapter books.
I read physical books to Emma & she reads them also. I generally read thriller or drama books in audiobook, and then anything faith based or something I want to reread I get a physical copy as well. In no particular order (just what Goodreads chose – we obviously read the HP books in order to finish out the series, read the Cursed Child, then started them over) here is this year’s list:

I’ll spare you the recaps on HP, but read the books. Watch the movies. We love them!
Harry Potter & The Sorcer’s Stone
Harry Potter & The Prisioner of Azkaban
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince
The Tales of Beedle the Bard – these are cute for Emma to read and we love the Tale of the Three Brother’s particularly.

Harry Potter & the Cursed Child – we saw the play at HTHS which was so fun to see the high school adaptation of it and fun to watch the debut of one of only 29 schools chosen to perform it!
Just Mercy – living in Alabama this is something everyone should have on their bookshelf. Have not yet watched the movie, but it’s on my list as well!
The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes – watched the movie on one of our flights this year and it did not dissapoint as well. Excited for the next book to come out as well. Emma is still a tad young for these, but I think she’ll enjoy the whole Hunger Games series in a few years!
The Bible Recap – Listen to the podcast back in 2020; read through it this year. Love finsing new nuggets of information each time walking through scripture! In 2025 we will be walking through this book alongside it as a family and Emma is rather excited! This was one of her picks during our Black Friday shopping.
Deep Work – His other books are equally as pertinent in business, and this one was great to dive into for how to set up my days in order to be more productive during chunks of time.
The It Girl – I’m a big fan of Ruth Ware, but I think I’m an even bigger fan of Imogen Church’s readings of Ruth Ware’s stories.

Good to Great – this was a book that was reccommended to me by a few people and I was glad to finally read it. Really a nerdy read and great for business owners.
Spare – listed to this one because Prince Harry reads it himself. Worth a listen. Still think that Meagan has just done a number on him and it’s rather sad.
Zero Days – same as above on listening to this one!
Near in the Night – (If you don’t have it already, bundle it with Sure as the Sunrise for an incredible deal right now!)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The Sacred Overlap – we went through this book in our Sunday School class and I loved the diagrams in it – loved how it walked through the overlap between areas in our lives especially as believers.

Tired of Being Tired – y’all. Jess just knows what’s up. This one hit so hard. Listened to it but will be grabbing a paper copy to come back to as well.
The Home Edit: Stay Organized – can’t go wrong with a Home Edit book!
The Fearless Organization – really great stuff on psychological safety – a must read for business leaders.
Untangle Your Emotions – Jennie Allen nails it in this one. Go read it now!
Diana: Her True Story-in Her Own Words – I watched the Crown, so this was a short listen following the show being over to dive into more of the royal family.
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man – Emmanuel Acho brings so much goodness to the table and this book does not dissapoint.

The Clinic – interesting twist in this one!
Why Simple Wins: Escape the Complexity Trap and Get to Work That Matters
Get Sh*t Done: The Ultimate Guide to Productivity, Procrastination, and Profitability
Radical Respect: This was a great follow up to Radical Candor.
The Legacy Journey – Dave Ramsey brings so many great points in this about setting up a family legacy of wealth and what that looks like.
Girl, Alone – Really good! I usually don’t go for series in thrillers, but this was a great start to one!

Girl, Taken – read this one after finishing Girl, Alone and was a slightly dissapointed; didn’t finish the rest of the series.
You’ll Always Have a Friend – such a precious book. pair this with You’ll Always Be Enough (the book we have all of her teacher’s sign each year)
The Psychology of Winning – This was our first book of the Rally bookclub and it has so many nuggets of information!
The New Psychology of Winning – did the audiobook of this one and ending up buying the paperback because I kept pausing to write down notes!
Cooper’s Story – part of a Puppy Tale (9 books) and is very cute for elementary school kids
Cul-de-sac Crossroads – So proud of Mary Spencer for this book! I see so much of my heart in it from my twenties and will certainly be reccommending this to gals in that age bracket.

Christmas at Hogwarts – this is really just an excerpt from the Sorcerer’s Stone but is the perfect length for a short story! I would love to continue to see similar excerpts pop up as books in the future.
Shop the full list on Amazon in my curated list or visit my storefront.