I have read a vast many articles by Rachel Held Evans over the years, but for whatever reason, I just never happened to pick up one of her books. It had always been on my “to-read” list, but being the budget consciously lady that I am, I was holding out for a deal from Barnes and Noble. And then one ...
More Than Words: How to Move from Believing to Following | Review
When I was in undergrad at Auburn, I lead a middle school girls small group with one of the sweetest ladies around. Little did I know that several years later I would be sitting down to write a review of something that then was just a dream. One of my best friends had become very ...
Wife After God Devotional | Review
I first came across Unveiled Wife and her new book, Wife After God through Simply Clarke. I knew I right away that I wanted to look into this devotional that came from this genuine little blog. It’s obvious that Jennifer (the author) is truly experiencing the power of Christ, and desires to ...
Fears, Family, and Living in the Moment
If you've been here before, you've heard me mention that I've been reading (and finished!) A Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans (who is simply one of my favorites these days) and there have been so many chapters that have resonated with me. Well, one chapter in particular, (and this ...
Most Unforgettable Character
When thinking about the most unforgettable character, there are a few places my mind goes. Of course one could interpret this as a living person from your life. Someone who has influenced you in some way, that they have been branded on your heart. You can read about one such person in my life ...
Books for Spiritual Growth
If you don't already know, I LOVE to read and am always looking for some great books to add to my collection. At the end of the year last year, I did a recap on the books I had read over the year & it was great to see what I had read, and what suggestions other people had of what to dive into ...