Anyone out there still in college? Then this post if indeed for you! Are you tired of paying a boatload for textbooks that you maybe use one semester and then get scarcely any moolah back when you try to turn it in, or worse, they say they can’t buy it back because you highlighted in it (how dare ...
Book List of 2012
This past year I kept a running record of the books that I read to guide my future decisions of what to dive into. I have a really bad habit of wanting to read, well everything, that I end up starting several books at one time and getting too distracted to finish them in any sort of decent ...
Bella Swan, Twilight Heroine?
While I am quite the literary lover, I have never really gotten interested in the whole Twilight phenomenon. I tend to be slightly behind the popular trends, so this has been one contributing factor to never having read or watched any of the sparkly vampire tales. I mean, after all, the first book ...
Tim Tebow is not Jesus…and That’s Good
The book club I mentioned previously recently just finished the book Through My Eyes, by Tim Tebow. Being as this was included in the Christian bookstore and that it was seemingly marketed as though it was of significant relevance to his faith, we were excited to dive into a book that combined ...
How to Fill Spare Time
As the first week of November is here, I find myself both anxious and excited for this new chapter in my professional life. While I know I will be quite busy over the next few weeks, I can’t help but ponder what my days will soon look like. I indeed will be finalizing new employment for myself & ...
Burlap Pillow w/ Wedding Date & Vintage Books to Keep Electronics | DIY
So as I'm sure you've been able to tell I have rekindled a long fizzled flame for the art of crafting. I think my new found love has not only come from a slight obsession with all things Pinterest, but more so from having so much to commemorate from our wedding! After my sporting days were ...