If you've been around for a while here, you'll remember the days when I started this little blog in a different era of life. I was in Mobile, and was just tinkering with sharing about our life while I was home following my surgery, and prior to our move to Birmingham. One of my favorite things ...
Your Hospitality Style | Book Review
When I opened up You Hospitality Personality, I of course thought I would find hosting themes, hosting tips, and a plethora of anecdotes about how to be welcoming. These are certainly covered and quite important parts of hospitality, however what resonated with me most throughout the book, was the ...
Books For Seeking a Life That is Slow, Simple, and Good
If, like me, this break from reality and slowing in this season of quarantine has been welcomed to make margin for what matters most, these books should be on your list to read! The following have been integral in this process of seeking a life that is slow, simple, and good. Reviews are linked, and ...
Book List of 2019
Each year I do a Reading Challenge with Goodreads, and subsequently, each year I do a book list of the ones I read with a bit of commentary. Full reviews linked, and as always are listed in full of the BOOK REVIEW page. Here is the book list for 2019!Jesus > Religion - Jefferson BethkeI picked up ...
When Less Becomes More | Book Review
If you've been here for a minute, you surely know of my love for Emily Ley & the Simplified brand. I've had the privilege of being a part of several book launch teams over the years, and aside from Rachel Held Evans' books, this has certainly been the most humbling experience of a launch team. ...
Take Back Your Time | Book Review
24 hours never seems like long enough to accomplish all the things in one day. But the thing is, if we are fixing our time between too many non essentials that will never change. I've followed Morgan from Morganize With Me (how precious is her blog name?!) on Instagram for a bit - I was actually ...