During the summer after I graduated from undergrad, I spent my time in Latvia and Russia spreading the gospel, loving others, and learning to truly serve others in daily life as opposed to the typical mission field we think of with construction and VBS. If you missed the first part of this journey ...
Camp Wesley, Cobblestone, and Community | Latvia
How do you begin to create a single post that describes one of the most unforgettable experiences of your life? Perhaps that's why it's taken me so long to write this post. Multiple months condensed to one page seems a bit unlikely to accomplish the multitude of feelings, events, and relationships ...
Even in the Depths He is There | Honduras
The summer after I interned with Wesley (which I should write about one day!), before I went to be a Top Staff at Camp Ozark, I went on a one week mission trip to Honduras. While I had been in leadership roles previously on these such trips, this was my first international trip as staff. Myself and ...
OSAGE RAGE | Incomparable Camp Ozark
The summers during undergrad were always a time for me to serve in some capacity outside of Auburn and not by taking classes. I loved my time in college and was in no rush to speed things up by taking summer courses. Every summer throughout undergrad and while I was an intern at Wesley, I had ...
Alabare a mi Senor | Yucatan, Mexico
You may remember the last trip I took with Hands & Feet Ministries to Mexico. Well, the summer after my senor year of undergrad, I took my final International one week trip with Wesley as a student. It was a week long mission back to Mexico at the beginning of the summer, right after graduation, ...
The Hardest Thing to Explain
This summer has been full of weddings and showers, celebrating the unions of some of our favorite people. As we have traveled around these past few months, each event has turned into a mini reunion or sorts. I have mentioned my incredible group of girls from High School that I love dearly and ...