If you don't already know, I LOVE to read and am always looking for some great books to add to my collection. At the end of the year last year, I did a recap on the books I had read over the year & it was great to see what I had read, and what suggestions other people had of what to dive into ...
Loving Your Neighbors: The Gospel According to Mr. Rogers
Too many times I have sat down to write my thoughts and prayers after a terrifying and horrible event. Too many times have I had to walk away because I was so overcome with emotion to continue. So overcome with grief. Confusion. Disbelief. I remember Columbine. I know exactly where I was on 9/11. ...
Ladies, Hands Up!
Friend·ship [frend-ship]noun1.the state of being a friend; association as friends: to value aperson's friendship.2.a friendly relation or intimacy.There are several people that make it into our lives for simply a ...
Bread & Wine
Now these two things may seem like such everyday items in this day and age. Every restaurant you visit places a loaf promptly at your table to nibble on prior to your meal. Glasses are arranged for tastings and bottles shared with friends. But what if we really looked at these items in a different ...
Serving Locally | Ransom Cafe
I love serving people. I have a passion for missions, especially out of the country endeavors for those in countries far less fortunate than the one we reside in. There is simply something about meeting a need that fills me with the most inexplicable joy. I have had the wonderful privilege through ...
Tim Tebow is not Jesus…and That’s Good
The book club I mentioned previously recently just finished the book Through My Eyes, by Tim Tebow. Being as this was included in the Christian bookstore and that it was seemingly marketed as though it was of significant relevance to his faith, we were excited to dive into a book that combined ...