When I say our church has an incredible student ministry, I'm not even close to doing it justice. Element Student Ministry is seriously such a haven for middle and high school students to not only have fun, but learn about Christ and how to apply scripture to their lives on a daily basis. Fusion is ...
Last year at this time, on Feb 19-22 (a Thursday through Sunday), I spent the weekend on a retreat that has impacted me more than I ever thought it would. Now, I have been on several retreats as both a student and as a leader, but quite honestly the spiritual aspect of those retreats was second to ...
How Christians Get Lent Wrong
Sometimes I think we as Christians miss the mark on the reality of Lent. Not always with impure intentions, but rather simply because we have fallen into what the world has shown us this season means. And how easy it is! When Mardi Gras and Moon Pies surround you and the threat of beach season right ...
It Can Happen Anywhere
If you follow along on Instagram, you'll have seen this picture today that I reposted from Marquis' feed. It seems like sometimes when it rains it pours and that often when you're having a difficult time grappling with one thing, something else just gets piled on top. In the early morning on ...
The Discipline of Confession
Series is a book review and study of Richard Foster’s Book, Celebration of Discipline. All quotes from the book are Foster unless otherwise denoted. Today we embark on our journey through the corporate disciplines, beginning with confession. Unless God gives grace, no genuine confession ...
The Discipline of Service
Series is a book review and study of Richard Foster’s Book, Celebration of Discipline. All quotes from the book are Foster unless otherwise denoted. If you've been here a minute, you'll notice we're picking back up on a series we started a while back on the spiritual disciplines. ...