I first came across Unveiled Wife and her new book, Wife After God through Simply Clarke. I knew I right away that I wanted to look into this devotional that came from this genuine little blog. Itβs obvious that Jennifer (the author) is truly experiencing the power of Christ, and desires to ...
The Hardest Thing to Explain
This summer has been full of weddings and showers, celebrating the unions of some of our favorite people. As we have traveled around these past few months, each event has turned into a mini reunion or sorts. I have mentioned my incredible group of girls from High School that I love dearly and ...
The Honest Truth About Social Approval
It's time to get honest. There is so much going around about staying true to yourself, never changing who are you to make others happy, and never faltering because of what others say to you. Quoting Dr. Seuss saying "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." But ...
He Had a Choice…
...they both did.With Father's Day recently occurring and likely lingering in our minds, I felt like it was the appropriate perfect time to share something that has been on my heart for years now. CHOICES.Daily we face so many choices. What to wear? What to eat? Which time? What place? Where? Why? ...
Loving Your Neighbors: The Gospel According to Mr. Rogers
Too many times I have sat down to write my thoughts and prayers after a terrifying and horrible event. Too many times have I had to walk away because I was so overcome with emotion to continue. So overcome with grief. Confusion. Disbelief. I remember Columbine. I know exactly where I was on 9/11. ...
Not Quite 27 Dresses
{via}We're at that age where everyone is getting married and a good many are having babies. I think in the past few years I have easily been invited to 50 weddings. I'm not even kidding. Between the the college crew, grad school buds, and high school friends, it just ads up. Now of course I ...