life changes. and the constant ebbs and flows of this journey are not always evident until we stop to reflect. and that's where i find myself currently. in a state of reflection. of friendships. of family. of career choices. of education. of location. of what it truly means to be completely ...
hooray for earth day!
today is we celebrate the earth and the idea of a healthy & sustainable planet. the history of the day dates back to the environmental movement that started in the 70's and has evolved over the years. in our day there are several things to do to go green & join the ...
i like books…
i must admit i was inspired by a friend's recent post. since finishing grad school, i've tried (not entirely successfully) to get back to reading as much as i once did. for the past few years now (since about junior year of undergrad!) i've had little time to read for pleasure but have ...
the harry potter work obsession. duh.
so in our classroom at work we are all rather obsessed with all things harry potter. well, by all i mean me & one other particular coworker who happens to be the teacher :) so we decided that as we are starting a new time in our new classroom, we would have a theme for our classroom. each ...
give & get: an easy way to support a non-profit that’s changing the world
Here's an easy way to give back a little & get some new spring clothes (if you're not doing the 30x30 of course). GAP give & get is a project that allows you to enjoy 30% off from March 17-20 at Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy, while they make a 5% donation to a non-profit of ...
from the ashes we rise
as we begin this season of lent with the imposition of ashes and a spirit of repentance, i find myself pondering my own shortcomings and the direction of the next forty (well 46 in reality) days until Easter. i yearn for this season to be one of emptying and restoration. of simplifying certain ...