how can i even begin to explain the multitude of thoughts and feelings within? a new start. a new beginning...things are different than expected. more difficult. in all the ways i never thought it would be. after spending so many years in the same place, i feel i have become complacent. ok ...
so refine me Lord through the flames…
so many things to do. so many things on my mind. but alas here i sit pondering the events that take us by surprise in the moments when we really just yearn for stability. so very many questions. in the moments of greatest despair why it is that there is so much anger, yet so much comfort? so much ...
i never knew that i could love someone the way that i love you.
ben rector's song white dress says it's all too well... i am so blessed and still overwhelmed with joy that i get to marry my best friend! :) i could not have asked for a more perfect man for me to spend the rest of my life with. Β to me, his perfection for me comes in ways that differ from ...
to move from barren to blossoming…
How much is He trying to teach me patience? Needless to say you get what you ask for. As soon as it fell from my lips I was tempted to regret such a desire. Ask for patience and He gives you opportunity for patience. And here is where I find myself. Pleading for patience, and ...
when reality meets what could be
You know the moments when you are supposed to be focused on one thing, but your thoughts are floating in a completely different direction? That moment is now. My mind is consumed by so many questions. So many things I've yet to understand, that I fear I never will even begin to comprehend. Not only ...
confidence comes not from always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong…
In speaking of confidence, I find myself somewhat conflicted to the reality of the thoughts we possess. How does an individual profess confidence in Christ and yet have little or no confidence in self? How does one acknowledge being created in the image of the One most high, yet choose to examine ...