After reading Luke 20:41-21:4, so many thoughts are swimming through my mind on what it means to be a servant of Christ. To truly follow after the heart of our king. We like to look like everything is perfect on the outside. We do this same thing in our spiritual lives as well. In our own ways we ...
Arms High & Heart Abandoned
What does that look like? To stand so strongly for something that you would surrender your soul and abandon your heart for one reason? For one cause? Is it a reflex to lengthen your arms in praise or a choice? an action simply shaped by our environment or one we have elected to do through free ...
Empowering Women
This past Sunday marked International Women's Day. A day to celebrate the strong women in our lives, and recognize that their accomplishments. To say I have been blessed with incredible women in my life would be an understatement. I can't even begin to speak to all of the women who are beautiful ...
World Vision
Since my time in Latvia & Russia, there has been stirring within me a love and compassion for Eastern European countries that rivals that of my love for South & Central America. When the husband I began researching sponsoring a child, one of things we looked for was the ability to do so in a ...
Choosing Happiness
About this time last year, I talked about how happiness is contagious. A thought I truly believe is worth revisiting just about every day. Well, a few months ago, sweet Tara from The Brew (seriously - go check her out if you haven't - she's a doll!) starting a project on Instagram with the hashtag ...
Finding Beauty in the Unfinished Messes
source unknownSometimes I wonder if I'll ever have the words I need to convey all that is going on inside my mind. I scarcely believe I have any of it figured out myself, much less have the ability to pen those thoughts in some intelligible way. Recently, my mind has wandered to the reality of the ...