I've come to find about myself that one of the many talents the Lord has blessed me with is the ability to remember. And to remember well. Now if you know me well at all, you're probably thinking I seem so forgetful in the everyday material things. And you would be correct! When it comes ...
new beginnings.
so very blessed. i can't even begin to describe. as the new year has begun, so many things are blossoming in my life. in twenty five short years of life, i have accomplished so very much. and i am so very thankful.on saturday, january 15, 2011 i married my best friend and couldn't be ...
no it don’t break even
how funny it is to realize what you miss once you leave it behind. who knew the smell of freshly ground coffee and the sound of blended ice melting into the ever so cultural acoustics would be something i longed for so deeply? more than stimulating the senses, i miss the meaning behind the ...
i never knew that i could love someone the way that i love you.
ben rector's song white dress says it's all too well... i am so blessed and still overwhelmed with joy that i get to marry my best friend! :) i could not have asked for a more perfect man for me to spend the rest of my life with. Β to me, his perfection for me comes in ways that differ from ...